A project by Carolina Loyola-Garcia

GOODNESS [noun] - 1. the quality of being good 2.virtue; kindness; moral excellence 3. the beneficial or nourishing element of food.



The great Christiane D. Leach takes us on a journey through a conflicted relationship with the town of Goodness.

This video was shot in downtown Pittsburgh in the afternoon of October 29th, 2014.


Christiane Leach, aka Christiane D, is an award-winning, multi-talented Pittsburgh artistic force who for 20 years has fused the visual, spoken, performance and visual arts in an unending compendium of sounds, forms, shapes and words that represent her unique world view and experience of living in it.



Directed by Carolina Loyola-Garcia

Featuring performer and artist Christiane D. Leach

Camera: Brian Duncan and Carolina Loyola-Garcia

Music: Hector Moro

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Commissioned by SPACE,

A Project of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust

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