A project by Carolina Loyola-Garcia

Obloquy [noun] - 1. strong public criticism or verbal abuse  2. disgrace, especially that brought about by public abuse

Hombres Necios (Foolish Men) is a poem written by Mexican writer Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (1651 - 1695). She devoted her life to her work, choosing the quiet life of a convent to pursue her literary interests. An advocate for women, the poor and disenfranchised, her work often highlights, through witty prose and poetry, the injustices of her times. A contemporary of Madeleine de Scudéry, her poetry in this case, shines some light on the "love" issues of the 17th century.

In this video, Mexican artist, performer, and curator Laura Castanedo, delivers a musical interpretation of the famous poem. Shot in her studio in Tecate, Mexico, in October of 2013. Musical arrangement by Colter Harper.


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Commissioned by SPACE,

A Project of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust

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